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Where you stand in terms leadership in your organization:


Overall Score

  • If you scored 28 or above: Your organization has fairly strong leadership; however, there is always room for improvement.


  • If you scored 21to 27: You would rate as satisfactory, but watch out for your competitors because they are probably stealing your customers and your employees.


  • If you scored 15 to 20: You have some serious issues that need attention now. See below for more information.


  • If you scored 14 or below: Your organization will probably not be around much longer. It is impossible to keep good employees and customers, much less get anything done in a highly dysfunctional organization. 


Here is what you can do if you rated your leadership 3 or below on any of the statements on the quiz:

1. Clarity on job responsibiities and mission - This is the starting point for success for anyone at any organization. It begins with a strategic plan based on the mission of the organization and ultimately translates into individual goals for each employee in the organization. If these are lacking or missing, Scope Learning and Development can help you.

2. Promotion based on leadership ability versus knowledge or skills on tasks - Too often people are promoted based on the latter, which causes huge problems in the organization. Leaders absolutely must have a high degree of knowledge and skill in the area of soft skills in order to be an effective leader. The hard skills of subject matter expertise and task management can be taught much more easily. Again, Scope can help your leaders develop stronger soft skills.

3. Leaders are given developmental opportunities - Good leaders will show signs of leadership ability long before they are given the title of a leader. Smart organizations will test leadership ability with developmental opportunities before promoting someone into a leadership role. Scope can help you assess leadership ability and design developmental opportunites to help leaders grow.

4. Rank and file employees respond positively to leaders - Good leaders earn the respect of rank and file employees and are able to get their cooperation and support in the workplace. Resistance and apathy among staff are a good indicator that there is weak leadership in your organization. 

5. Employee work performance is good - Leaders play the biggest role in obtaining optimum work performance from employees. Scope can help your leaders learn ways to improve work performance and sustain it through good and bad times.

6. Good employees rarely leave - The most important relationship employees have is between themselves and their immediate supervisors. When employees leave because they are unhappy, it is almost always because of the relationship with their boss. Scope can teach you how to retain good employees.

7. Our organization spends time and money training leaders - If your organization spends almost no time and money training leaders, I can guarantee that you are having leadership problems. Leadership training should be one of your highest priorities. The good news is that Scope is very affordable and effective. 


Contact Scope Learning and Development today to discuss how we can help you in these areas!















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